Tristitia cordis omnem plagam exteriorem excedit quia tristitia interior non procedit ex similitudine rei apprehensa, sicut ex causa: non enim homo tristatur interius de ipsa similitudine apprehensa, sed de re cuius est similitudo.
Sadness of the heart surpasses every outward wound because inward pain is not caused by the apprehended likeness of a thing: for a man is not inwardly pained by the apprehended likeness itself, but by the thing which the likeness represents.
Quae quidem res tanto perfectius apprehenditur per aliquam similitudinem, quanto similitudo est magis immaterialis et abstracta.
And this thing is all the more perfectly apprehended by means of its likeness, as this likeness is more immaterial and abstract.
Et ideo dolor interior, per se loquendo, est maior, tanquam de maiori malo existens, propter hoc quod interiori apprehensione magis cognoscitur malum.
Consequently inward pain is, of itself, greater, as being caused by a greater evil, inasmuch as evil is better known by an inward apprehension.