Wednesday, February 10, 2010

1a 2ae q15 a2: Whether consent is to be found in irrational animals? No.

Consensus, proprie loquendo, non est in brutis animalibus, quia proprie dicitur consentire solum rationalis natura, quae habet in potestate sua appetitivum motum, et potest ipsum applicare vel non applicare ad hoc vel ad illud.

Consent, properly speaking, is not in irrational animals, because this is proper to the rational nature, which has the command of the appetitive movement, and is able to apply or not to apply it to this or that thing.

In brutis animalibus invenitur determinatio appetitus ad aliquid passive tantum. Consensus vero importat determinationem appetitus non solum passivam, sed magis activam.

In irrational animals the determination of the appetite to a particular thing is merely passive, whereas consent implies a determination of the appetite, which is active rather than merely passive.