Iuventus et ebrietas sunt causa spei quia omnes stulti, et deliberatione non utentes, omnia tentant, et sunt bonae spei.
Youth and drunkenness are causes of hope because all foolish persons not making use of deliberation attempt everything and are full of good hope.
In iuvenibus et in ebriis licet non sit firmitas secundum rei veritatem, est tamen in eis secundum eorum aestimationem, reputant enim se firmiter assecuturos illud quod sperant.
Although youths and men in drink lack steadiness in reality, yet they are steady in their own estimation, for they think that they will steadily obtain that which they hope for.
Iuvenes enim multum habent de futuro, et parum de praeterito. Et ideo, quia memoria est praeteriti, spes autem futuri, parum habent de memoria, sed multum vivunt in spe.
For youth has much of the future before it, and little of the past. And therefore since memory is of the past, and hope of the future, it has little to remember and lives very much in hope.
Similiter etiam illi qui non sunt passi repulsam, nec experti impedimenta in suis conatibus, de facili reputant aliquid sibi possibile. Unde et iuvenes, propter inexperientiam impedimentorum et defectuum, de facili reputant aliquid sibi possibile. Et ideo sunt bonae spei.
Likewise they who have not suffered defeat, nor had experience of obstacles to their efforts, are prone to count a thing possible to them. Wherefore youths, through inexperience of obstacles and of their own shortcomings, easily count a thing possible. And consequently they are of good hope.
Philosophus dicit, in III Ethic., quod "inebriati sunt bene sperantes". Et in II Rhetoric. dicitur quod "iuvenes sunt bonae spei".
The Philosopher says (Ethic. iii, 8) that "drunken men are hopeful": and (Rhet. ii, 12) that "the young are full of hope."