Thursday, April 15, 2010

1a 2ae q25 a1: Whether the irascible passions precede the concupiscible passions? No.

Passiones concupiscibilis sunt priores passionibus irascibilis quia bonum simpliciter est prius quam bonum contractum.

The concupiscible passions precede the irascible because the absolute good precedes the restricted good.

Passiones concupiscibilis respiciunt bonum absolutum, passiones autem irascibilis respiciunt bonum contractum, scilicet arduum.

The concupiscible passions regard the absolute good, while the irascible passions regard a restricted, viz. the difficult, good.

Passiones irascibilis mediae sunt inter passiones concupiscibilis quae important motum in bonum vel in malum, et inter passiones concupiscibilis quae important quietem in bono vel in malo.

The passions of the irascible faculty stand between those concupiscible passions that denote movement towards good or evil, and between those concupiscible passions that denote rest in good or evil.

Id in quo iam quiescitur, non habet rationem difficilis seu ardui, quod est obiectum irascibilis.

When we find rest in a thing, we no longer look upon it as having the formal aspect of the difficult or arduous, whereas such is the object of the irascible faculty.

De ratione obiecti irascibilis est quod sit arduum. Sed quia obiectum concupiscibilis est bonum absolute, prius naturaliter est quam obiectum irascibilis, sicut commune proprio.

The formal aspect of the object of the irascible faculty is that which is arduous. But because the object of the concupiscible faculty is good absolutely, it naturally precedes the object of the irascible, as the common precedes the proper.