Thursday, March 04, 2010

1a 2ae q18 a7: Whether the species derived from the end is contained under the species derived from the object, as under its genus? No.

Species quae est ex fine, non continetur sub specie quae est ex obiecto, sicut sub genere, quia cuiuslibet generis sunt determinatae differentiae; sed actus eiusdem speciei ex parte obiecti, potest ad infinitos fines ordinari: puta furtum ad infinita bona vel mala.

The species derived from the end is not contained under the species derived from the object, as under its genus, because each genus has its determinate differences; but an action of one same species on the part of its object, can be ordained to an infinite number of ends: for instance, theft can be ordained to an infinite number of good and bad ends.