Friday, October 09, 2009

1a 2ae q5 a2: Whether one man can be happier than another? Yes.

Sunt diversi gradus beatitudinis, et non omnium est aequalis beatitudo, quia contingit aliquem perfectius frui Deo quam alium, ex eo quod est melius dispositus vel ordinatus ad eius fruitionem, et secundum hoc potest aliquis alio beatior esse.

There are diverse degrees of Happiness, and Happiness is not equally in all, because that one man enjoys God more than another, happens through his being better disposed or ordered to the enjoyment of Him, and in this sense one man can be happier than another.

Quantum igitur ad ipsum bonum quod est beatitudinis obiectum et causa, non potest esse una beatitudo alia maior, quia non est nisi unum summum bonum, scilicet Deus, cuius fruitione homines sunt beati. Sed quantum ad adeptionem huiusmodi boni vel fruitionem, potest aliquis alio esse beatior, quia quanto magis hoc bono fruitur, tanto beatior est.

As to that Good itself, Which is the object and cause of Happiness, one Happiness cannot be greater than another, since there is but one Sovereign Good, namely, God, by enjoying Whom, men are made happy. But as to the attainment or enjoyment of this Good, one man can be happier than another, because the more a man enjoys this Good the happier he is.