Friday, September 18, 2009

1a 2ae q2 a5: Whether man's happiness consists in any bodily good? No.

Beatitudo hominis non consistit in bonis corporis quia impossibile est quod ultimus finis rationis et voluntatis humanae sit conservatio humani esse, quia manifestum est quod homo ordinatur ad aliquid sicut ad finem: non enim homo est summum bonum.

Man's happiness does not consist in goods of the body because the last end of human reason and will cannot be the preservation of the act of human existence, for it is evident that man is ordained to something as to his end: since man is not the supreme good.

Esse enim hominis consistit in anima et corpore, et quamvis esse corporis dependeat ab anima, esse tamen humanae animae non dependet a corpore, ut supra ostensum es.

For the act of human existence consists in soul and body, and although the act of existence of the body depends on the soul, yet the act of existence of the human soul depends not on the body, as shown above (I, 75, 2).

Unde omnia bona corporis ordinantur ad bona animae, sicut ad finem. Unde impossibile est quod in bonis corporis beatitudo consistat, quae est ultimus hominis finis.

Wherefore all goods of the body are ordained to the goods of the soul, as to their end. Consequently happiness, which is man's last end, cannot consist in goods of the body.