Monday, January 05, 2009

Q67 A1: Whether the word "light" is used in its proper sense in speaking of spiritual things?

No. Light is not used in its proper sense in spiritual matters because in its primary meaning it signifies that which makes manifest to the sense of sight; afterwards it was extended to that which makes manifest to cognition of any kind.

Lux proprie non dicitur in spiritualibus. Nam primo quidem est institutum ad significandum id quod facit manifestationem in sensu visus, postmodum autem extensum est ad significandum omne illud quod facit manifestationem secundum quamcumque cognitionem.

If, then, the word is taken in its strict and primary meaning, it is to be understood metaphorically when applied to spiritual things.

Si ergo accipiatur nomen luminis secundum suam primam impositionem, metaphorice in spiritualibus dicitur.

But if taken in its common and extended use, as applied to manifestation of every kind, it may properly be applied to spiritual things.

Si autem accipiatur secundum quod est in usu loquentium ad omnem manifestationem extensum, sic proprie in spiritualibus dicitur.