Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Q7 A4: Whether an infinite multitude can exist?

No. Neither an absolutely necessary infinite multitude nor an accidentally infinite multitude can exist actually because everything actualized in nature must be comprehended in a certain actual number.

So much for theories of infinite parallel universes! (i.e., those allegedly absolutely necessary infinite multitudes being actualized in parallel)

So much for theories of eternal randomness in this one universe! (i.e., allegedly an accidentally infinite multitude being serially actualized)

Such theorists need to remember the metaphysical principle (which uncovers the contradictions in their "scientific" theories): "multitude in nature is created; and everything created is comprehended under some clear intention of the Creator; for no agent acts aimlessly."

A favorite maxim of the Middle Ages, which summed up the confidence in order that gave birth to modern science, was: omnia mensura et numero et pondere disposuisti.

"Thou hast ordered all things in measure, and number, and weight" (Wisdom 11:21).

There is, of course, great utility in mathematical models of potentiality; but theorists, however, should not conflate their imagings of natural potency with the ordered actuality of the created universe.