Saturday, October 10, 2009

1a 2ae q5 a3: Whether one can be happy in this life? No.

Aliqualis beatitudinis participatio in hac vita haberi potest, perfecta autem et vera beatitudo non potest haberi in hac vita, quia beatitudo, cum sit "perfectum et sufficiens bonum", omne malum excludit, et omne desiderium implet, sed in hac vita non potest omne malum excludi.

A certain participation of Happiness can be had in this life, but perfect and true Happiness cannot be had in this life, because since happiness is a "perfect and sufficient good," it excludes every evil, and fulfils every desire, but in this life every evil cannot be excluded.

Beati dicuntur aliqui in hac vita, vel propter spem beatitudinis adipiscendae in futura vita, secundum illud Rom. VIII, "spe salvi facti sumus".

Some are said to be happy in this life, either on account of the hope of obtaining Happiness in the life to come, according to Romans 8:24: "We are saved by hope".

Beatitudo consistit in visione divinae essentiae, quae non potest homini provenire in hac vita, ut in primo ostensum est.

Happiness consists in the vision of the Divine Essence, which man cannot obtain in this life, as was shown in Ia q12 a11.