Distinguuntur specie habitus bonus et malus, quia habitus bonus dicitur qui disponit ad actum convenientem naturae agentis; habitus autem malus dicitur qui disponit ad actum non convenientem naturae.
A good habit is specifically distinct from a bad habit because a good habit is one which disposes to an act suitable to the agent's nature, while an evil habit is one which disposes to an act unsuitable to nature.
Sicut actus virtutum naturae humanae conveniunt, eo quod sunt secundum rationem, actus vero vitiorum, cum sint contra rationem, a natura humana discordant.
Thus, acts of virtue are suitable to human nature, since they are according to reason, whereas acts of vice are discordant from human nature, since they are against reason.
Et sic manifestum est quod secundum differentiam boni et mali, habitus specie distinguuntur.
Hence it is clear that habits are distinguished specifically by the difference of good and bad.