Thursday, September 28, 2006

Q45 A7: Whether in creatures is necessarily found a trace of the Trinity?

Yes. In rational creatures, possessing intellect and will, there is found the representation of the Trinity by way of image, inasmuch as there is found in them the word conceived, and the love proceeding, because the processions of the divine Persons are referred to the acts of intellect and will (Q27), for the Son proceeds as the word of the intellect, and the Holy Ghost proceeds as love of the will.

In all creatures there is found the trace of the Trinity, inasmuch as in every creature are found some things which are necessarily reduced to the divine Persons as to their cause. For every creature subsists in its own being, and has a form, whereby it is determined to a species, and has relation to something else.

Therefore as it is a created substance, it represents the cause and principle; and so in that manner it shows the Person of the Father, Who is the "principle from no principle."

According as it has a form and species, it represents the Word as the form of the thing made by art is from the conception of the craftsman.

According as it has relation of order, it represents the Holy Ghost, inasmuch as He is love, because the order of the effect to something else is from the will of the Creator.